DiscoveryBox Magazine Subscription

Full of wonder and intrigue, DiscoveryBox magazine is the award-winning magazine that captivates inquisitive minds that are curious about science, history, and nature. Designed for ages 9-12, this magazine is loaded with facts and fun and is sure to satisfy your child’s appetite for learning. There are comic strips, games and experiments to try at home, all with one aim in mind: discovery.

An inquisitive child is a happy one. Satisfy your 9-12-year-old’s appetite for learning with a DiscoveryBox magazine subscription. Children learn something new every issue and have lots of fun doing so. They might even teach mum and dad a thing or two! So get your DiscoveryBox magazine subscription from today, save on the cover price and have it delivered right to your door.

Please note that there is no new issue released in February and August.
12 months (10 issues)
Saving £7.00
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DiscoveryBox Magazine Subscription offers

Country Living 3 issues for £3