Our top ten winter warmers

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Does the thought of winter make you shiver? Well, this year you might have a really good reason to as the latest weather reports say the UK is in line for an Arctic freeze with temperatures plummeting to -27C. Now that’s breezy! Plenty of snow, ice and fog is heading our way and these chilly conditions could last for five months.

So in preparation for the return of the Ice Queen and her hoary henchmen, we've scoured the web to find some super winter warmer ideas just for you. Whether it’s keeping you toasty all over, making your tummy glow, or just raising your spirits until spring returns - these will brighten up your winter and toast your cockles like nothing else.

1. Jamie Oliver’s chocolate pumpkin brûlée pie


This fab pud will fill your tummy with warmth and happiness. Hot from the oven of Jamiemagazine this is picture-perfect for a winter’s night and is perfectly festive for the Hallowe’en season, too. A chunk of chocolate, a portion of pumpkin and a dusting of Crème brûlée. Divine!

Subscribe to Jamie magazine now for more festive, winter warming recipes.

2. The onesie

Yes, the onesie is back (if you ever put it away). But instead of feeling like you’re carrying an extra pound or two in fabric, these nicely tailored onesies with cuffed leg and turn up collar will keep you warm and cosy and not looking like you’re starring as a bear in panto.

Faux fur collar Fairisle polished fleece onesie, Marks & Spencer £27.50

3. For him 

Want to get fit but lack the motivation (and the cash for a personal trainer)? Then kick start your fitness regime with a selection of beginner’s boxing gear, as recommended by Men’s Health. Their bands, interval timers and wraps will get you jogging around the house in a big silk dressing gown in no time. Plus keeping fit will keep you warm and release those happy endorphins we love so much!

Fancy getting your beach body regime started early? Subscribe to Men’s Health now.

4. You have the power

Stuck on the train? Battery critically low? We've all been subject to Mother Nature’s idea of wit and that perfectly timed snowfall/rainfall/leaf on the line that wrecks our journey home from work. Now, we can’t do much about the weather but at least now you won’t get caught out in an emergency situation with a flat mobile battery. And when we say ‘emergency’ we mean you can’t play Candy Crush any more. Nightmare. These pocket-sized rechargeable power banks hold enough power to charge your phone to 100% and will also save you from having to talk to other commuters. Nice.

Kit premium power bank, Carphone Warehouse, £17.99

5. Silky soft

Image via WHL Travel

When the winter winds blow you around all day and your skin starts to feel like sandpaper, it’s time to invest in a little treat to keep your pins super silky smooth. A long soak in the bath (reading your favourite magazine, of course) followed by a good moisturiser with a recommended lotion from the wonderful team at Red. Fresh, clean, smooth skin that’s hydrated and radiant.

For brilliant beauty tips for her and for him, subscribe to Red magazine now.

6. You Wood

Stuck indoors with three feet of snow blocking your driveway while your electricity supplier tells you there’s been a ‘technical fault’ and you’ll be plunged into freezing cold darkness all day? Then entertain the whole family with a game of Jenga. Make sure those blocks don’t slip when it’s your go and at the same time dropping the next player in it with a tower of wobbling wood. Great fun. Jenga will bring the whole family together and if the snow gets really bad you can always pop the thing on the fire. Genius!

Jenga, Argos £14.99

7. Soup for the Soul

That lovely warm feeling when you come in from the cold and tuck into a mug of something hot and hearty is just lovely (and we mean soup, y’know, not mulled wine…). So how about making something fabulous like stilton and broccoli soup yourself? With a huge range of great Soupmakers on offer to make the whole process really easy, Good Housekeeping have got this covered.

For more smart things for the home, subscribe to Good Housekeeping magazine.

8. For Her

Top parenting and lifestyle blogger Katrina from Beau Twins tells us, ‘Winter is about facing the cold mornings and nights with all things fluffy and warm.  My absolute must-have winter item is a well-lined, stylish and warm coat to help me brave the elements whilst remaining fashionable at all times.’ We can’t argue with that logic, lady.

Waterfall Coat, Next £65

For more style tips from Katrina @Beau Twins Blog visit www.beautwins.com

9. Get Healthy

Winter brings endless boxes of tissues, mugs of warm honey and lemon and packets of throat lozenges. The common cold affects nearly all of us during the winter season and for those of you who still smoke, well, you know how much worse your cold will be. Smoking can make a cough much worse, irritate your lungs further and make it longer for you get better. Put it like this, imagine having a cold over the Christmas hols. Horrible. But help is at hand…

Stay healthy and happy this winter and subscribe to What Doctor’s Don’t Tell You.

10. Magical Markets

The perfect, pre-Christmas lift to get us through the bitter weather is a mini city break. We all love the feeling of getting up at ridiculous o’clock, heading to the airport and jetting off away from the grey of Gatwick - and Christmas markets in European cities like Hamburg, Berlin and Munich are just magical. Loads of Gluhwein, giant Bratwursts and local craft gifts to load into your suitcase for the rest of the family to enjoy. One of our favourite things to do this time of year.

For the best Christmas Market deals visit www.christmasmarkets.com – just make sure you send us a postcard!