Stress awareness: how to relax

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Life in the 21st century can be fast-paced and let’s face it, downright stressful. There are the pressures of work, dashing around after the kids, electricity bills that make your eyes water and then finding enough hours in the day to cook, clean and everything in between.

But at we would like to offer you all an insight into our stress-busting strategies in the hope you might find a little inspiration to help you relax and unwind. Oh, and we thought it might be nice for you to meet the friendly faces behind This is officially a stress-free zone!

Carola  - Managing Director

JF_PASSPORT_CAROLA"After a hectic week I look forward to a Saturday morning lie-in complete with a home-made latte from my shiny new Nespresso machine! For the ultimate lazy morning, I like to catch up on the latest current affairs via the BBC News app and enjoy skimming through one of the many magazines I collect on my coffee table. My favourite magazines to unwind with are Grazia, Red and Jamie Magazine."


Kerrie – Business Development

JF_PASSPORT_KERRIE"As a wife and mum of two beautiful kids, I am a real home bird. I love nothing more than having hubby waiting for me at home with dinner on the table, two bathed kids in their PJs and the fire lit. We all love to snuggle in as a family and watch a great movie like Home Alone or delve into a board game for endless hours of laughter and fun."


Steve – Development 

JF_PASSPORT_STEVE"I enjoy taking a break in the countryside when I need a little me time. I love nothing more than taking the kids to my parent’s farm at the weekend and helping my dad with the pigs, sheep and goats. The children love it and seeing them smile lifts my spirits after a stressful week. To top the day off, a giant roast and pint of bitter waiting for me at home alongside a flick through National Geographic magazine."


Chris – Digital Marketing

JF_PASSPORT_CHRIS_H"For me, the best way to relax is to get away from a screen and get out of the house. Whether it’s a run by the sea (weather dependent!), a walk in the country or just taking some time out to laze in a local park with a good ol' British picnic. There’s no better way to clear the mind than by spending time in the great outdoors."


Laura – Customer Service

JF_PASSPORT_LAURA_JACKSON"I am a self-confessed tea and coffee drinker. And when I’m feeling a little low the old saying ‘tea solves everything’ rings true for me! Partner that with a packet of dunkable biscuits, preferably coated in chocolate, and a copy ofCosmo and I am in heaven. Now where’s the bubble bath!?"


Donna - Editorial

JF_PASSPORT_DONNA_HAY"I live by the sea and so I love making the most of the sea air! It definitely helps me to unwind. Cycling along the seafront on a crisp, sunny morning to my favourite beachside café for brunch, followed by an afternoon spent preparing a huge roast surrounded by all the family and a classic film like the Sound of Music to finish the day, is my idea of perfection!"


Josh – Marketing

JF_PASSPORT_JOSHUA_HYATT"As a bit of a watch geek I love to spend my time seeking out vintage watches that need a little care and attention. I am a huge fan of the history behind the world of horology so when I’m not fixing rotors or adjusting movements, I am usually found sprawled out on the sofa with a mug of strong tea reading my favourite watch blogs."


Lisa – Marketing

JF_PASSPORT_LISA_D"I love nothing more than a brisk walk in the fresh air, to blow away the cobwebs. Then perhaps a visit to the local pub on the way home for a glass of red by the fire. After I get home, an evening snuggled on the sofa with a good book, eating a bar of my favourite chocolate, followed by an early night puts the perfect end to a day that will see me bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the morning."


Tim – Customer Service

JF_PASSPORT_TIM_AUSTIN"What better way to relax than by the pool? Whether it be Spain, Greece or Florida (wishful thinking!) I am a sun-worshipper who jumps at the chance to jet off on holiday. Lazing on my sun lounger, with a chilled pint in hand, reading the latest FourFourTwo magazine, I am one happy man!"