Window shopping for adventures with Outdoor Fitness

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With a strapline of ‘Maximise your Potential’ sitting proudly above its header, Outdoor Fitness is a magazine packed with adventure and exploration – like a glossy inspo-mag for fitness types, bursting with epic ultra runs, iron distance triathlons and brutal mountain expeditions.

Outdoor Fitness

I’ve been meaning to read it for a while, and as I flick through its pages I can’t help but get excited by the multitude of challenges jumping out at me, however far they might be out of my reach right now, both financially and fitness-wise.

Cross-country ski marathons (I can’t ski and have never been), ice climbing (I’ve done a beginner’s course at the local indoor climbing wall), and a double page spread photo of the start of Rome Marathon. Starting 26.2 miles at the foot of the mighty Colosseum has got to be something special, right?

Jumping out from adverts are beautiful photos of spectacular mountain backdrops, carbon frame tri bikes and running hydration packs; and knackered but elated faces peer out from the reader’s photo page – titled ‘Faces of Exhaustion’.

This magazine’s for the big boys and I’m already making a mental note of what to add to my hit list, window shopping for my next adventure.

A few articles catch my attention – one titled ehT nodnoL nohtaraM – about a group of runners who didn’t get a place in the London Marathon ballot, and who meet up at the finish line at 4am on the morning of the race to run the course backwards.

Why, you might ask? Well, why the hell not?

What a great way to experience the marathon, even if you do get multiple shouts of ‘you’re going the wrong way’ by late night clubbers and race volunteers setting up the race in the early hours.

Another couple of articles that jump out at me include a four-page spread on how to maximise recovery when coming back from injury with tips and insight from my physio Tom Goom at the Physio Rooms, Brighton. He knows his stuff, does Tom, so it’s good to see his work in print.

And then there’s a gorgeous sunset over Dartmoor National Park (the only English destination to accept wild camping) and an amusing piece about a cycling duo who took on the 95 mile Dartmoor Way trail in one day instead of the recommended two or three.

My mind’s made up: I’m definitely going to Dartmoor with my road bike and a tent on my back.

If you’re into your fitness and like me, are a sucker for a challenge, subscribe to Outdoor Fitness for your next adventure…

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