Retro Cars Magazine Subscription

Retro Cars is a monthly magazine packed with cool cars. Retro Cars focuses mainly on modified classics from the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s.

There’s no doubting the UK’s modified classic car scene is as healthy as ever, and Retro Cars magazine is here to celebrate this vibrant and varied market. Whether you’re modifying a Mini, tweaking a Triumph, or jazzing up a Jaguar, Retro Cars is the motoring publication for you.

Each month there are in-depth owner’s stories, exploring each owners’ cars, what they’ve done to modify it and how they did.

There is also plenty of practical advice for anyone considering modifying their classic, whether it’s making improvements to the engines, brakes, suspension or styling. We’ll also report from some of Britain’s best car events, and peer behind the garage doors of the country’s best lock-ups, all of them concealing an Aladdin’s cave of classic cars.

Ultimately, Retro Cars is about nostalgia: profiling the cars and people who we remember from our childhood. Celebrating the best cars, events and products, Retro Cars magazine is the definitive read for any budding petrol head.

Publisher message: Please note that due to the current Covid-19 situation, this title is now closed. Please see below for details on how to purchase digital copy back issues. 

Retro Cars Magazine Subscription offers

Country Living 3 issues for £3